備註 Remarks
Points earned are based on a single transaction amount after discount and the balance will not be accumulated.
Membership renewal will be performed by the system.
Birthday privilege will be given and valid in member's birthday month.
賺取積分只限於實體sensory ZERO 店鋪消費 (觀塘馬會分店除外) 及手機應用程式外賣自取下單,不適用於網店購物。
Points will be given to consumptions at physical shops ( Except Kwun Tong Jockey Club Shop) or takeaway order via App and not applicable to online shop.
條款、細則及優惠內容或會因應情況以作出更改,恕不另行通知及以sensory ZERO決定為準。
sensory ZERO reserve the right on changing the offer content without prior notice.
如有任何爭議,sensory ZERO 保留最終決定權。
sensory ZERO reserve the right to exercise this offer should there be any disputes.